Liquidity Providing POOLS aggregator

We are in the process of making the best liquidity pool aggregate.
Find the best return with optimal risk. Only real APR.
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Fair APR
Fair APR is a metric based on pool data over the past 30 days, and it represents the most common APR during that time. It does not take into account outliers in the data, which can significantly skew the average.
Price Change %
This metric shows the percentage change in the value of assets over the past 30 days. For non-stablecoin pools, it is calculated as the average change in asset number 1 and asset number 2. For pools with stablecoin, the change in stablecoin price is set to 0. For example pool WETH/USDT. If ETH/USD has changed by 30% over the month and USDT has not changed to USD, the metric will be equal to (30+0)/2 = 15%.
Total APR
Total APR, % = Fair Pool APR * Asset Change 30d Total APR shows fair rate of return on investment in USD, considering the percentage change in asset prices in the pool.